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TOPIC: Serve God with Money (1) TEXT: Matthew 6:25-34.  

MEMORY VERSE: Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his
riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Each child should be able to:-
1. Realize that all the money we have is given to us by God.
2. Realize that God gives the money, so that we can spend it for His work
3. When was Serve God with our money, He would provide all our needs.

God expects us to serve Him with our money.

How many of you children ask your parents for offering when you are coming to church? (Allow
children to respond by raising their hands). Then tell the children when you are coming to church
always ask your parents for your offering. By so doing you are serving God with money.
The money you bring to church is used for God’s work, to expand the kingdom of God
and to pay the Church workers and ministers.

1. Don’t worry about your life, thinking about what you will wear or eat.
2. Our Heavenly Father who feeds the birds would provide for you, because you are more
    valuable than the birds.
3. God expects us to seek first His kingdom.
4. We should not be like those who do not know God who seek only for what they will eat
    and wear.
5. We should trust in God and not worry.

Jesus tells us to “take no thought” about those needs that God promises to supply. Give God
first place in every area of your life. Serve God with your money.

For God to provide all your needs, you must belong to Him, by accepting Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Saviour. John 1:12.

Serve God with your money.


Whenever God provides money for us, we must quickly remember that He wants us to serve
Him with it.

Before you can serve God with money you must give your life to Him. It is only when you accept
Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, then can your service be acceptable to God.

1. What does God expect from us? He expects us to serve Him with money.
2. Who supplies all our needs? God.
3. Should we worry about what we shall eat, drink or wear? No, God expects us to trust Him.

MONDAY               - Genesis 17:1- (Jehovah El- Shaddai) Our All Sufficient God.
TUESDAY              - Deuteronomy 7:9 – (Jehovah El-Emunah) The Faithful God.
WEDNESDAY         - John 1:6 - (Jehovah Ra’ah) The Lord is my Shepherd.
THURSDAY            - Genesis 1:1 - (Jehovah Elohim) Our Eternal Creator.
FRIDAY                 - Psalm99:5 - (Jehovah Eloheenu) The Lord Our God.
SATURDAY            - Isaiah 9:6 - (Jehovah El-Gibbor) The Mighty God.
SUNDAY               - Exodus 34:6 – (Jehovah El-Hannun) The Gracious God.

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